What kind of partners do we seek for?
Our Main Partner
Cataruben Foundation:
Cataruben Foundation is a not-for-profit organization with a strong focus on impact and working with nature – based – solutions to conserve biodiversity, water, and strategic ecosystems.
Partnership type:
Wakamaju serves as the exclusive representative and commercial partner for Cataruben’s projects in the European market. Our objective is to unite one of the world’s most biodiverse regions with one of the most dynamic markets for greenhouse gas compensation.
Cataruben’s Strategy:
Engage in Research, Development, and Innovation (R+D+I) to create and customize methodologies that safeguard and preserve biodiversity, water resources, and environmental carbon.

Take voluntary measures to conserve, restore, and sustainably manage wildlife, fauna, and flora, thereby mitigating threats to ecosystems and species.

Contribute to climate change mitigation by nurturing the soil and environment, thus safeguarding plants and trees. Our efforts prevent tree damage and loss, preserving valuable carbon stores in both trees and the soil.

Promote the adoption of initiatives aimed at preserving and minimizing the impact on water resources. This includes implementing reduction strategies, practicing responsible consumption, and optimizing water usage for maximum efficiency.